Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Day 37: I'm a Social Eater

I try not to weigh myself every day, so I don't become too focused on the numbers. But I weighed myself today anyway. And I was just under 180! I guess I was really bloaty, water-weighty from eating so poorly last week. Anyway, it was a nice little confidence boost, and it's always easier to stay motivated when I'm seeing results.

I had a stir fry omelet for breakfast, yogurt for lunch, and baked beans as a snack (I ran a lot of errands today so I didn't have much time to eat). Then we had dinner with friends and had chili dogs. I tried to make smart choices, and chose not to use a hot dog bun and to pass on the fruit juice. But when I got home and added the calories (I had to estimate how much chili and sour cream and fritos I ate), I ended up way over. I'm really hoping I overestimated the amounts I ate. But I'm definitely a social eater, and I eat way more when we're with friends. I guess I just have to be extra good tomorrow -- another day heavy on fruits and vegetables.

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