Saturday, October 5, 2013

Day 20: The Best Disappointment

Today is hubby's birthday! Which means good eating (and by good I mean delicious, not healthy). It's also General Conference weekend, which means cinnamon rolls and muffins and other delicious-but-not-healthy foods. It's also 3 weeks out from my half-marathon, which means I needed to get in a long run. The longest I've gone is 10 miles, and I was scheduled to run 11 today. So I woke up about 6:30 and had a slice of multigrain toast with some Greek yogurt cream cheese (best find ever). Then I headed out to the indoor track, because I am not a fan of the cold. My muscles felt so sluggish though. And even though I brought Gu packets and electrolyte water to keep my energy up, I just couldn't keep going. I felt really defeated when I finally gave up after four miles. Maybe it's because I haven't been eating as much meat lately. Maybe it's because I'm on the last day of my period. Maybe it's because I didn't eat enough before heading out. I'm not sure, but I just wasn't feeling it today. But then I realized something amazing: I was disappointed because I only jogged four miles. When just a couple months ago, I was celebrating four miles as a huge accomplishment. So that has got to be the best disappointment of my life. It means that I have improved my strength and endurance, and I'm sure overall health. So yeah, I didn't get in the full 11 miles today, but I'm not too worried about the race. It is all downhill (thank goodness) and I have gone 10 miles before. Plus there's all that extra energy and adrenaline that comes with the race atmosphere. And my goal is just to finish. I can worry about improving my time on my next race (wait, did I just say I'm already planning on running another one??), and I just need to be able to complete the 13.1 miles in four hours, which is definitely manageable for me.

Well, I managed to be really good today. I decided I would only have one cinnamon roll, so that's all I had. And I only had 1/4 of a Costco chocolate muffin. We had hot dogs for lunch, and I only had one. We went out for ice cream and I ordered a single scoop of frozen yogurt. Then we went to McDonalds for dinner (it was late and we were hungry and too lazy to cook) and I ordered my chicken sandwich without sauce to save on calories. So overall, I think I managed to do really well when faced with one deliciously unhealthy food after another all day long.

Oh! I also did day 5 of my October challenges (30 sit ups, 12 crunches, 12 leg raises, 20-second plank, and tricepts rest).

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