Saturday, September 28, 2013

Day 13: Race #4

This morning I ran my 4th race ever! It was another Color Me Rad 5k (I did my first one this summer, and it was my third race ever). I convinced one of hubby's cousins to run it with me, and it was her first race. I'm so glad I can encourage and inspire other people to get fit with me! We completed the race in 38 minutes, which I think was a new best for her. We had fun because the race has such an energetic atmosphere.

I really didn't keep track of what I ate today (again). Maybe I just need to be so active that I don't have to worry about how many calories I eat. But I should probably get back in the habit of keeping track. Oh, by the way, 4 weeks until my half-marathon!!

Before -- our clothes are still white
During -- nice action shot
After -- all colored up now

And for kicks and giggles, here's a picture from the first time I ran in a Color Me Rad race (June 22, 2013):

Really not a flattering picture of me...

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